The Djra Codex

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We got 2 races in this here comic, as you have probably noted: Djra and Nymphs. Djra are in tune with the animalistic side of earth and possess great strength, while nymphs are more planty, and have a great fortitude to saaaaayyy toxins and other nasty things nature can throw at you.

Originially, the bundle of herbs Rat burns was called Nymph's Sigh (not easy to say, a little heavy handed). When boiled, or cooked with, it has numbing properties. When burnt (and breathed in), it takes hold of the lungs, knocks you out, and causes some serious neurological damage if it stays in the system too long.

If you've bothered to read this far, thank you for listening to my minor detail about this one thing that I thought of :D You're cool.